
The NH Permaculture Day is an initiative of the NH Permaculture Guild. The first NH Permaculture Day was held at D Acres Permaculture Farm and Educational Homestead in Dorchester, NH, in 2012, and was in part, organized by students of that year's Permaculture Design Course offered at DAcres. Early intentions of this event centered around not only sharing permaculture strategies and possibilities, but also networking with regional practitioners and sharing knowledge and practices.  D-Acres hosted a 2nd Permaculture Day in 2014.

In 2015 they handed over the reins to a group of volunteers called The NH Permaculture Guild and the event was hosted at Inheritance Farm in Chichester.  Orchard Hill in Alstead was our host for 2016, The Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum in 2017, The Eco Village in Colebrook in 2018.  Each year has been a wonderful experience, seeing and learning from each other......seeing old friends and making new ones.

Our intention is to spread the mission of the day throughout the state of NH. Each host site brings a regional flavor and expands the base of supporters and participants.